Сурс / Lapis Lazuli :: SU art :: SU Персонажи :: drawendo :: Steven Universe :: фэндомы

Lapis Lazuli SU Персонажи drawendo SU art ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

thelightwithinthedark said: How about a lapis with darker colors with goldstone freckles like a the stone itself and have her gem on her neck or on one of her eyes? Anonymous said: Sooy X piclii M»*" SWH V?e •( .<%€. • • • If a lapis had her gem on her stomach,would she just be hanging by it or would it fall out? ...

Steven Universe,фэндомы,Lapis Lazuli,SU Персонажи,drawendo,SU art
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Anonymous said:
don't know if you've seen the leaked screenshot, but would you pleaseee draw lapis with her hair covering one of her eye??

SU art Steven Universe фэндомы Lapis Lazuli SU Персонажи drawendo

Anonymous said: don't know if you've seen the leaked screenshot, but would you pleaseee draw lapis with her hair covering one of her eye??

look \ite ä)
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