Out col5 in the crater, to ^Peri’s dismay, tu as a u>hite<bearded man, and his noU> ruined sleiqji. Jhapis patted her head, to console and appease her, tdhen^Peri ashed loudly ” QCho this old geezer? ”I’m not reall^sure,” Xlapis said, her ioice jlat "$ut he’s cjpt lots of hair, and he’s rcall^quite fat,” FOP Д SECOND, X THOUSHT IT MISHT BE spes.
Lüfter sanxliin^onlrao J?msoou fourni hcr ansiüEr ;l4ic piimf'^inntu CW, ulono^Riulotpli’' шиГ^Рпшегг’' "Xí 'X$iis gu^trnüek ¡he Ц)«т1Й, KnSqir'es u'i«y fur trinkets to qoo J liouj uni iiirb/" “Oh, nul” l'.wInînu'îlXcopis. ”X3ioi must mcluîleS'tn'en! ïïe’s <jpo¡) allyr ittmtd, not just Christmas season!”
^J^houi^hthccjifts uterc all torched, Ünpis lost no resolí e. It looks like this problem is one ttlE must solfle!” $oI?eri shipped up a neu) sleitjji nní some presents, ilJhilelcapis designed a reí suit that looked pleasant I?eri saii, before takeoff, 'I’ll bauble the qifts, CÜbilegra use i^our pouters to ajiite us a lift! 1 ee oust as sood AS THAT DUMB OLD SANTA CLOD.'
£he "Thevjallqpt the same thinj!” JPeri then self rat oiled, "To keep lOarm through the lOinter: nbi^lumpofcoal!’’ ALSO FOP KEEPINS WAPM, PLENTY OF SHIPTS.'
xems case, XithcCnistaltii JVi 5i3 put more care Xnto thinkinc^about just u)hat|ijts she should share. 3ut she kneu) them u>ell— that’s U>hat she heliciei, XnS so qjft ideas \ ificrcn t hard to conceiie. " \\ ^PorGiarnct she said ^ I "since she clcarl^lihes fusion^ Xh^drocjcnbomb is muforcapnc conclusion!
Jt;carl anti Xmcthgst uierc next on her list, 33ut she ©as quite certain "X super qpt this!" A "^tincc one likis to clean anh the other likes food, X’Oeqpt just the tjifts that’ll brighten their mooh! Adjacent she placed thci U>hile huminint^a tune: *'Xneu> toilet brush, ant) a basket of prunes!
iXnJ Inst of nil, £>teflen, the humnn bogopm 'His qjft is quite sure to surpnss nU of them!” J?eri chortlccl nloub, Iknou) his fnSoritc shoU)! Xhout breokfust foot) fricni nni) their crgjn^in throes! PPWiMZ $hc plncei 'nenth the tree the q^nnJ qfft she hoi muhe Xpncknejc of hncon
Steven Universe,фэндомы,Neodusk,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli,SU comics
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