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Molded from clay comic


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Теги (через запятую):

SU Персонажи Peridot Lapis Lazuli aquamarine Nomidot SU comics Aquamarine (SU) ...Steven Universe фэндомы 


Jasper SU Персонажи SU comics ...Steven Universe фэндомы 


AngeliccMadness artist SU comics Eyeball (SU) SU Персонажи Connie Maheswaran ...Steven Universe фэндомы 


SU comics Peridot SU Персонажи Lapis Lazuli ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

(mwí еШШШ ШкШЯйШ’ ( штт ¡Мтшвшшшшш ш® & ms шт& ттшт, в y®s ЪШШ ЙШЕРЦЙ ¡да® ШШ8 л,Steven Universe,фэндомы,SU comics,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli

SU comics SU Персонажи Peridot ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

SU comics,Steven Universe,фэндомы,SU Персонажи,Peridot

SU comics Padparadscha Sapphire Zircon (SU) SU Персонажи mushroom-cookie-bears ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

Steven Universe,фэндомы,SU comics,Padparadscha Sapphire,Zircon (SU),SU Персонажи,mushroom-cookie-bears

Neodusk Peridot SU Персонажи Lapis Lazuli SU comics ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

LAPIS AND PERIDOT SAVE CHRISTMAS,Steven Universe,фэндомы,Neodusk,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli,SU comics

Out col5 in the crater, to ^Peri’s dismay, tu as a u>hite<bearded man, and his noU> ruined sleiqji.
Jhapis patted her head, to console and appease her, tdhen^Peri ashed loudly ” QCho	this old geezer?
”I’m not reall^sure,” Xlapis said, her ioice jlat "$ut he’s cjpt lots of hair, and he’s

Lüfter sanxliin^onlrao J?msoou fourni hcr ansiüEr ;l4ic piimf'^inntu CW, ulono^Riulotpli’' шиГ^Рпшегг’'
'X$iis gu^trnüek ¡he Ц)«т1Й, KnSqir'es u'i«y fur trinkets to qoo J liouj uni iiirb/"
“Oh, nul” l'.wInînu'îlXcopis. ”X3ioi must mcluîleS'tn'en! ïïe’s <jpo¡) allyr ittmtd, not just

^J^houi^hthccjifts uterc all torched, Ünpis lost no resolí e.
It looks like this problem is one ttlE must solfle!”
$oI?eri shipped up a neu) sleitjji nní some presents, ilJhilelcapis designed a reí suit that looked pleasant
I?eri saii, before takeoff, 'I’ll bauble the qifts, CÜbilegra use i^our

"Thevjallqpt the same thinj!” JPeri then self rat oiled,
"To keep lOarm through the lOinter: nbi^lumpofcoal!’’
ALSO FOP KEEPINS WAPM, PLENTY OF SHIPTS.',Steven Universe,фэндомы,Neodusk,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli,SU comics

xems case,
XithcCnistaltii JVi 5i3 put more care Xnto thinkinc^about just u)hat|ijts she should share.
3ut she kneu) them u>ell— that’s U>hat she heliciei,
XnS so qjft ideas \ ificrcn t hard to conceiie.
" \\
^PorGiarnct she said ^ I
"since she clcarl^lihes fusion^ Xh^drocjcnbomb is

Jt;carl anti Xmcthgst uierc next on her list,
33ut she ©as quite certain "X super qpt this!"
"^tincc one likis to clean anh the other likes food, X’Oeqpt just the tjifts that’ll brighten their mooh!
Adjacent she placed thci U>hile huminint^a tune: *'Xneu> toilet brush, ant) a basket of

iXnJ Inst of nil, £>teflen, the humnn bogopm 'His qjft is quite sure to surpnss nU of them!”
J?eri chortlccl nloub,
Iknou) his fnSoritc shoU)! Xhout breokfust foot) fricni nni) their crgjn^in throes!
$hc plncei 'nenth the tree the q^nnJ qfft she hoi muhe Xpncknejc of hncon,Steven

cuQse you, SANTA CLOOOOOOf,Steven Universe,фэндомы,Neodusk,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli,SU comics

NeODUSKCOMICS.TUMeU2.COM,Steven Universe,фэндомы,Neodusk,Peridot,SU Персонажи,Lapis Lazuli,SU comics


SU comics SU Персонажи Rose Quartz Steven (SU) fantasticfolio ...Steven Universe фэндомы 


Lapis Lazuli SU Персонажи Peridot SU comics zottgrammes ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

Steven Universe,фэндомы,Lapis Lazuli,SU Персонажи,Peridot,SU comics,zottgrammes

Steven Universe,фэндомы,Lapis Lazuli,SU Персонажи,Peridot,SU comics,zottgrammes


SU comics Steven (SU) SU Персонажи aquamarine nartothelar Aquamarine (SU) ...Steven Universe фэндомы 

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